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Flowing Free: 7 Ways to Heal & Balance Your Sacral Chakra

I find all the chakras truly fascinating, each wielding its own unique power and significance in shaping our physical and mental well-being. But there's a special place in my heart for this one – the sacral chakra. Just as its name implies, it's truly sacred and I'm absolutely thrilled to dive into it with you today!

So let's delve into the essence of the sacral chakra, its significance, and practical techniques to restore balance and vitality. Join us as we unlock the secrets to embracing joy, emotional stability, creativity, sensuality and more flow in life.

Where Is the Sacral Chakra Located?

The sacral chakra, or Svadhishthana in Sanskrit, resides in the lower abdomen, just below the navel and above the pubic bone - also known as the womb space. It serves as the seat of our emotions, sensuality, and creative expression, nurturing our deepest desires and connections. In Sanskrit, Svadhisthana is often translated as dwelling in a place of the self and is closely situated next to the root chakra. (More on why this is important later on.)

What Is the Sacral Chakra Responsible for?

The sacral chakra serves as the vibrant center of our emotional and creative expression, also our feminine energy. ( Yes, for men too!) It governs our sense of joy, play, and pleasure and holds the key to our emotional well-being. Beyond its role in sexual reproduction, this energy center is the very essence of our creative potential. It's where life's spark ignites, birthing not only physical offspring but also innovative ideas, artistic endeavours, and boundless passions. When the sacral chakra is balanced, we find ourselves immersed in a river of creative flow, effortlessly channelling our innermost desires into tangible expressions of artistry and inspiration.

Sacral Chakra Symbol:

The symbolic representation of the sacral chakra features circles, a crescent moon, and a lotus flower with six petals. These elements embody the cyclical nature of existence and the transformative power of growth and renewal.

Element: Water

The element of the sacral chakra is water and when we are balanced in this chakra, we should be as adaptable, flexible, and fluid just like water. We don't fear change, we can go with the flow. We can easily recreate, rebuild and rediscover ourselves again and again not attaching to who or what we once were or had. We understand the twists and turns of life like a river that is making its way from the mountaintop to the sea. We trust deeply that even the biggest obstacle can be overcome and we enjoy the ride.

Prana: Vyana

Vyana, the prana of circulation, is intimately connected with the sacral chakra. It facilitates the flow of energy, nutrients, and vitality throughout our body, ensuring harmonious functioning and emotional balance.

Color: Orange

The sacral chakra has been likened to water reflecting the sunset, casting a vivid orange hue. Just as water is naturally clear, it mirrors the red hue from below (representing the root chakra) and the yellow from above (symbolizing the solar plexus). This imagery captures the essence of the sacral chakra as the dawn of awareness and the embodiment of life's zest and vitality.

What Happens When the Sacral Chakra is Balanced?

When the sacral chakra is balanced, we experience

  • emotional stability

  • creativity

  • flexibility/ adaptability

  • playfulness

  • vitality

  • joy

  • healthy expression of sensuality.

Unfortunately, blockages to the sacral chakra aren’t uncommon, as we grow up, we prioritise work over play, perfection over experimentation, efficiency over exploration, and practicality over creativity. We may be better at controlling our emotions than we were as toddlers, but sometimes that leads to suppression and repression. Shame is also prevalent in our society - shaming us for our sexuality, shaming us for being ' too sensitive' or even making us feel bad for enjoying simple pleasures in life.

Signs of Imbalance:


  • excessive indulgence in sensory pleasures (hedonist)

  • reckless impulsiveness

  • addictions

  • emotionally flooded

  • obsessive attachment

  • resentment

  • unforgiving

  • dependency

  • overwhelm

  • losing control


  • lack of passion

  • numbed emotions

  • lack of creativity

  • difficulty experiencing pleasure

  • struggling with intimacy and relationships

  • repressed desires and emotions

  • low libido or sexual dysfunction

  • avoidance of pleasure-seeking activities

  • inability to express oneself creatively

  • feeling stagnant/uninspired/stuck

7 Ways to Heal & Balance Your Sacral Chakra:

1. Movement: 

Move your hips - whether it's through yoga, dance, or other sensual movement practices. The hips are often considered the physical centre of emotional energy and creativity in the body. When we experience emotional imbalances or blockages in the sacral chakra, such as feelings of guilt, shame, repression or a lack of creativity, tension can manifest in the hips. This tension can restrict the flow of energy in the sacral area, leading to further imbalance. Hip-opening exercises help release this tension and stimulate energy flow in the sacral region. By stretching and strengthening the muscles around the hips, we can create space for emotional release and encourage the free flow of energy through the sacral chakra. As a result, we may experience greater emotional stability, increased creativity, and a deeper connection to our sensuality and pleasure. Movement, therefore, becomes not just a physical practice but a powerful tool for holistic healing, allowing us to tap into the vibrant energy of our sacral chakra and reclaim our emotional well-being."

2. Healing Emotions:

How often have we heard "don't be so sensitive!" big girls/ boys don't cry" or "keep calm and carry on"? All of these phrases condition us to repress or ignore our emotions as if our emotions are something we should overcome, not feel or express. How many of us know that one person who always seems to be so strong no matter what is happening to them? They never cry even when things are at their worst, they never seem to lose their temper, even if they have been wronged or treated unjustly, they are never stressed or they never seem to worry at all. I bet we find them exemplary human beings. Someone who we may even strive to be like. But are they feeling anything at all? Sure they might not be so affected by the 'negative feelings' but what about the good ones? Does being so stoic all the time come with consequences?

Our emotions are essential to living a full, authentic, and fulfilling life. They are signposts that must not be ignored, nor shall they be all-consuming either. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, feel, understand, use, and manage our emotions so that we can better communicate, empathize and connect with others, find our way through challenges, and ultimately mature and grow. Learning how our emotions are not a hindrance, but very valuable and helpful is one of the keys to a healthy second chakra.

How to heal? Explore and express your emotions through journaling, art therapy, talking to a trusted friend or therapist, practising mindfulness and meditation, engaging in physical activity, spending time in nature, or participating in support groups.

3. Get Creative:

Embrace your artistic talents, whether it's painting, writing, or crafting, to channel your creative energies and ignite inspiration. Many of us have been conditioned to believe that creativity is reserved for a select few – the "talented" artists, writers, or musicians – and that the rest of us are simply not creative. However, creativity is not a limited resource reserved for the few; it's an inherent part of being human. We all possess the capacity to create and express ourselves in unique ways. Beyond traditional forms of art, creativity manifests in various aspects of our lives. It could be in the way we cook a meal, arrange flowers, or even solve a complex problem at work. Finding joy in everyday activities and infusing them with our personal flair is a form of creative expression. Whether it's through gardening, photography, cooking, coding, or even organizing, there are countless ways to tap into your creativity and cultivate a deeper connection with your inner self. Allow yourself the freedom to explore and play without judgment, knowing that each creative endeavour is an opportunity for growth, self-discovery, and healing.

4. Meditate:

Meditation offers a sanctuary where we can observe and acknowledge our emotions without judgment or resistance. By cultivating mindfulness and present-moment awareness, we create a space for our feelings to arise and dissipate naturally, freeing ourselves from the grip of emotional blockages and stagnant energy. We become attuned to the subtle rhythms of our body and psyche, allowing us to recognize and honour the ebb and flow of our emotional tides. Through regular practice, we cultivate greater emotional resilience and inner peace.

In addition to traditional meditation practices, there are specialized and profoundly effective techniques tailored to infuse the sacral chakra with energy, healing, and vitality. One such practice is pelvic floor meditation, a focused approach that combines breath awareness with visualization methods to channel healing energy directly into the sacral chakra.

5. Connect with Your Senses:

Connecting with your senses is a powerful way to nurture and balance the sacral chakra. By engaging in activities that awaken our senses, such as savouring a delectable meal, indulging in a fragrant bath, or immersing ourselves in nature's breathtaking beauty, we create opportunities to reconnect with our inner selves and the world around us. Mindfulness, in particular, serves as a valuable tool in this journey, teaching us to fully engage with each moment and experience with heightened awareness. Through mindfulness practices, we learn to appreciate the intricate textures, vibrant colours, and soothing sounds that surround us, fostering a deeper connection to our sensory experiences.

6. Find Pleasure in Everyday Life:

Finding pleasure in everyday life is not only a source of joy but also a fundamental aspect of our well-being. Our right to pleasure is often overshadowed by societal norms and cultural conditioning that equates pleasure with guilt or indulgence. However, pleasure is an essential part of being human, driving us to seek fulfilment and meaning in our lives. Just as we have the right to feel and experience a full range of emotions, we also have the right to embrace pleasure in its many forms. Pleasure isn't just about fleeting moments of enjoyment; it's about cultivating a deep sense of appreciation for the simple joys that enrich our lives. Whether it's savouring a delicious meal, taking a leisurely stroll in nature, or relishing the warmth of a cozy blanket on a chilly evening, these moments of pleasure nourish our soul and rejuvenate our spirit. By allowing ourselves to fully embrace pleasure without guilt or shame, we tap into a reservoir of vitality and creativity that fuels our passions and propels us towards success. Just as pleasure leads to passion, passion leads to success, creating a harmonious cycle of fulfilment and achievement in our lives.

7. Balance Your Other Chakras:

The neighboring chakras significantly impact the sacral chakra's equilibrium, and vice versa. Beginning with the root chakra, its stability and sense of security provide the foundation for embracing pleasure and sensuality. When the sacral chakra is imbalanced, it can overshadow the root chakra's stability, leading to impulsive behaviours or reckless indulgence. Moving to the solar plexus chakra, its alignment influences confidence, empowering authentic exploration of desires. However, an imbalanced sacral chakra might hinder the solar plexus chakra's confidence, affecting self-expression and assertiveness. The heart chakra fosters compassion for ourselves, enabling deeper emotional connections and acceptance of feelings. Yet, a blocked sacral chakra can impede the heart chakra's compassion, limiting genuine connection with oneself and others. The throat chakra encourages honest expression, while an imbalanced sacral chakra might stifle communication and creativity. Moreover, disruptions in the sacral chakra can affect the crown chakra, which is associated with spiritual connection and higher consciousness. An imbalance in the sacral chakra may create obstacles in the flow of energy to the crown chakra, potentially hindering one's ability to experience spiritual transcendence and enlightenment. Consequently, one may become stuck in the pursuit of pleasures and struggle to transcend to a higher state of consciousness or overcome spiritual barriers. Therefore, restoring balance to the sacral chakra is crucial for maintaining overall harmony and coherence within the entire chakra system.

In closing, the sacral chakra holds the key to unlocking your fullest potential—emotionally, creatively, and spiritually. But true transformation requires action.

Are you ready to take the next step on your journey towards healing and self-discovery? Join us for the Spring Revival Virtual Retreat on March 23rd, where you'll immerse yourself in a transformative experience designed to awaken your sacral energy and ignite your passion for life.

Don't wait another moment to reclaim your joy, creativity, and vitality. Reserve your spot now and embark on a journey of empowerment and renewal. Seize this opportunity to embrace your fullest expression and step into the vibrant life you deserve.

Register today and let your transformation begin.

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